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An Almanac of Narrow Winds (Part 2)

October 11th till 21st at Jumblies Theatre Ground Floor Space


A participatory project in collaboration with Jumblies Theatre exploring the wind and our relationship to it in this era of climate change.

How well do you know the winds at your doorstep? The wind that cools you down on a hot day, the one that carries leaves from down the street, the one that comes in with storms? In this series of free public workshops we explored how to pay attention to the wind just outside Jumblies’ doors. We made the things that flutter and jingle in the wind so that we could watch how the wind moves. We used these observations for other creative acitivies like singing and dancing and together made of portrait of Jumblies’ resident winds.

A big thank you to everyone at Jumblies, in particular the Gather Round Singers and Michelle Silagy for their beautiful sung and danced creations.

For more details, please check the project page at Jumblies.